Wednesday, November 4, 2009


What happened to my blogging?? I think work ate my blogging time and blogging energy. I was going so good last week - right up until Friday when I was at work until after 10pm. Over the weekend I was burying myself in a book - I was escaping from the thought of a meeting I was having at work on Monday - a meeting I was not looking forward to. Then on Monday I had meetings in two different locations to where my office is, so I spent quite a bit of time in the car - and I did not get home from work until 9.30.
Tuesday was a really hot day here - and although I was home around 5pm, I was feeling totally wiped out from the heat. My aircon has died, and boy did I feel that yesterday!
Today has been another day of working at a different location to my office, and with the hour long drive back I was not back in my office until after 4.30pm. Because I had a lot to catch up on, it was 8.45 by the time I was driving home.
Tomorrow I have to go in to the city for the day, so I will probably feel pretty wiped out by the time I get back on the train.
So far this week I have not done any of the things on my list - no walks, no yoga, no tidying up/sorting out my bedroom. The last two days I have managed to get my fruit and some salad into me (a very good one yesterday which included tuna and mixed beans) - so I am happy about that.
This week was supposed to be a very quiet week - but somehow I have ended up with a really busy week instead.
I need to get back to posting my little list, cause it works!!
Because I know tomorrow is going to be hectic, I will have only one thing on my list:
  • 10 minutes tidying/sorting in my bedroom (stuff is starting to take over my little yoga patch again!)

So that's it - no matter how tired I am, I should be able to get this one little thing done!
Now I need to get to sleep - early morning tomorrow, I have to get to the trainstation by 8am - I will only be leaving from home a short time earlier than usual, but I need to be more organised in the morning - I often eat my oat porridge breakfast at work, can't do that tomorrow!
That's it for me - Good night :-)


  1. What job do you do? It sounds really hectic. Is part of this journey of yours to have some work that doesn't consume so much of your time?

    I know that I was really miserable when I was in the corporate world and am so much happier now that I have more time to think since I am not rushing all the time.

    Good luck for the rest of your week.

  2. Hi Ola, I work as an academic, teaching in computing and IT subjects. This combined with writing research papers etc makes my worktime a bit all over the place! This week there has been too many meetings and other things happening. The job has great flexibility at times, but it also means I am never really 'finished' at work, since I often do work from home as well.
    I think you have hit the nail on the head with the 'thinking' thing. Often I am just rushing from one thing to the other and I don't have much (if any) time to just think and reflect...
    Yes, part of the journey needs to be to make changes to my worklife. But for now, while my youngest is still at school, this job works well (it is not always so hectic, this week was just a bad week).
    Have a nice weekend!
