Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why blog?

For a while now I have felt a need for ‘finding me’ – rediscovering my likes and dislikes, what I want to do, what my goals are and so on. I want to start defining where I am going instead of just being thrown about by life and react to what is happening around me. Why have I come to this point now? I think there are a few reasons – one is that I am nearing 40 and wish to be on a better path both mentally and physically – I want to take steps towards a healthier me. The scary back trouble I have experienced in the last few days and being quite sick with a flu that did not want to go away a little while ago has increased this need to find a healthier me. Antother reason is that I have had a few years in chaos in many ways, and I feel like a need to ‘re-group’.

I am hoping that posting my thoughts, goals, plans, progress etc here will help me discover new things about myself as I am recording what goes on in my head. I hope it will help to sort my thoughts out and help stake out a direction for myself.


  1. All the best in your journey H! I have found that blogging helped me clarify my thoughts and also held me more accountable to my values. I don't think I could be where I am now without my blog.

    I look forward to sharing your journey with you!

  2. Thank you Eilleen!
    I am hoping that with time I will have more 'headspace' to move from the more practical focus I feel that I have now to a more value based focus. Right now I feel too overwhelmed with all these other things to start working on my values. I think my cluttered and unorganised house really has a lot to do with this feeling - I need my house to become my home haven, somewhere I can rejuvenate and feel 'right' in!
